Covenant Health Therapy Centers are conveniently located throughout East Tennessee. Our core services are listed below.
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Depending on your insurance plan, you may be able to self-refer for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy at Covenant Health Therapy Centers. Learn more about self-referring to our center.
Chris Dial concentrates as he uses his left hand to place tiny pegs into holes on a wooden board. This simple task requires dexterity and fine motor skills, and would have been impossible when he first began therapy at Covenant Health Therapy Center – West Knoxville.
“We’ve always focused on improving skills that directly translate into his daily life and personal goals,” says Mikayla Alissandrello, an occupational therapist at the center. “What began as just working on touching his fingertips together progressed to being able to type again, which was a big goal for him.”
“I can’t believe how patient she is,” Dial says. “All the therapists here are very patient. It’s been an uphill climb.”